Friday, April 17, 2009

Review of Green Lantern Corps # 35 (DC Comics) By Eddie R.

Family Matters.

After reading this issue of Green Lantern Corps, I feel the war of light seems to have taken a more personal tone for some of the characters. With any war, houses get divided, brother turns against brother, and the ideals of parents are challenged by the children, as to how the war should be viewed and played out. This issue seems to touch on all these elements to some degree, especially focusing on two father and child reunions, which might lead to potential turning points in this battle.

We pick up this issue right where we left off in the last one, on Oa. It is here where a massive Jail break has taken place in the Science cell blocks.

As rage and fear begin to flow into the science cells, a perfect mix is created to fan the flames of destruction. This set up allows one member of the Red Lanterns, and the rest of the imprisoned Sinestro Corps, to escape and run amok. I liked how the use of Rage, which is first applied as a brute force tactic, then fear, act as the catalysts for the means of escape, playing one against the other in this battle for freedom. As alarms sound, and members of the Corps scramble to recapture the freed prisoners, we see Guy Gardner take charge in a major way. This is the type of scenario Guy was born for, and he is used very well in this scene.

But as soon as the Battle for Oa begins, we cut away to the other side of the Galaxy where we find fellow Green Lantern’s Sodam Yat and Arisia, in orbit around the planet of Daxam.

Sodam, as a character, is at a cross roads right now. Having to choose to save his fellow Daxamites, even after all the suffering they had put him through, especially his parents, or let the fate of his people succumb to the advances of the Sinestro Corps, Sodam chooses to fight to save Daxam. But the real question is the Daxamites themselves want to be saved?

I have to mention here how I really like the way Sodam is being developed as a character. He now has no choice but to tap into his Ion abilities more and more, due to the proximity of the red sun which Daxam orbits. Perhaps the Ion entity will be having a greater influence on him now? Only time will tell.

Next we cut away to Korugar, where we find Lantern’s Iolande, and this sectors resident GL Soranik, being confronted by the Citizens of Korugar City. As Soranik dismantles the throne Sinestro once used to rule from, she tells her fellow citizens they need to move on for a better tomorrow. But the crowd of onlookers cry foul of this idea, feeling cheated for Sinestro not being punished for his evil deeds. Iolande later points out the only way for Korugar to move forward is to quench its thirst for revenge, and only Sinestro’s blood can do this. Soranik is reluctant to the idea, and the final page of the book reveals as to why?

Seems all this new information from the war front is bound to have a significant effect on the end results. One can only Hope...


By Eddie R.
Comic Review Editor

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