Friday, May 29, 2009

I.M.O. Review: Green Lantern # 41 (DC Comics) By Eddie R.

Give and take.

If there was a common theme throughout this month’s issue of Green lantern, it would be give and take. And what was given and what was taken will certainly have readers talking. I guess it really is always the darkest before the dawn.

We open Green Lantern # 41 in the middle of the interrogation of Hal Jordan by Larfleeze, a.k.a. Agent Orange. Hal knows he needs to stall for time until his backup arrives, so he strikes a deal with Larfleeze. So what kind of deal does Hal make? Try a story in exchange for the Blue Powering Larfleeze covets so much. What kind of story you may wonder? Well the story Larfleeze begins to tell will both be quite revealing and shocking to the readers, depending on which side you’re on. But what is clear is the events told by Larfleeze will have you taking a second look at past GL history in a new light. I certainly did.

Meanwhile, up above on the surface of Okaara, both the Lanterns and the Guardians themselves are continuing to fight with the Orange Agents of Larfleeze. During the battle, the timely arrival of a member of the Star Sapphires saves a certain GL. But will he need to be rescued again from what she has planned for him?

We then move to the planet Ungara, where we see Sinestro paying his respects to someones grave. Soon he is contacted by one of his former Sinestro Corps members, and informed some of the captured members of his Corps still possess their yellow power rings on Zamaron. This sets into motion a plan of attack which will strike at the heart of the Star Sapphires.

In space sector 666, we join GLC member Ash, who has been on the trail of the missing corpse of the Anti- Monitor for 23 days now. Taking time out to write a letter to his deceased wife, on what would be their 10th anniversary together, Ash spends this occasion paying homage to her memory in a very fitting tribute.

Finally we return to where we began in this story. As Larfleeze finishes his tale, he tries to claim what was promised to him. When he seems unable to, Larfleeze takes matters into his own hands, and gets what he wants in the end. But will it be more than what he bargained for? I am sure some of us would give their right hand to find out.


Eddie R.
Review Editor.

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