Saturday, June 13, 2009

I.M.O. Review: Green Lantern Corps #37 (DC Comics) By Eddie R.


Ever wonder what would happen if an entire planet of Daxamites were suddenly infused with the energy of a yellow sun? And what the results of such a transformation would do to them, their society, and those who try to oppose them? Well, it might not be what you expect..

Green Lantern Corps #37 opens with a birth and a death. The birth is the transformation of the red sun of the planet Daxam into a yellow one. The death is of Sodam Yat, keeper of the Ion force, who sacrifices his life and uses his power to change this star at its very core, in order to save his people. But will this sacrifice be in vain, or will the Daxamites finally take these new found powers and put them to good use?

Further on we see the crossing of the paths of two Green Lanterns: Ash and Sarrek. Both have come to realize they have been sent on the same mission: to seek out the remains of the Anti- Monitor by the same Guardian. Could this be a ploy to keep them away while nefarious plans are set into motion?

Meanwhile on Oa, the rioting in the Sciencells continues, as prisoners from all the various Corps battle the members of the Green Lanterns for freedom. As both heroes and villains fall in battle, some familiar heavyweights enter the scene in order to quell the riot. But are these new players really that new? Or are they something more familiar with their proclamation of how “None shall escape” them?

And finally, deep below the surface of Oa, the Dark Guardian Skar sets into motion the final plans which will bring about the Blackest Night.

Although this issue is keeping up the rhythm set by the previous issues of GLC, my major beef with this month’s edition it is the scene between Kanjar Ro and Kyle Rayner. Unless I missed something, the last time we saw Kanjar Ro was in the final pages of recent Trinity series, preparing to sneak away as the Green Lantern Corps took custody of the Despero’s defeated armada. Kanjar Ro revealed he had copied Krona's files and notes and was ready to sell them to the highest bidder, but said he was heading to Takron Galtos, the prison planet. My question is how did he end up on Oa?

So besides that little query, this issue was standard fair. I must admit though I will be glad when this “Emerald Eclipse” storyline wraps up in the next issue, and Blackest Night finally begins to consume the DCU.


Eddie R
Review Co-Editor

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