Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Trapp's Rap: Movie Review: UP!

Once again, Pixar brings another fantastic film to the big screen.

Up is all about Carl Fredricksen, a 78 year old curmudgeonly balloon salesman, is not your average hero. When he ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies away to the wilds of South Africa, he finally fulfills his life long dream of adventure. But after discovering an 8-year-old stowaway named Russell, this unlikely duo soon find themselves on a hilarious journey in a lost world filled with danger and surprises.

From beginning to end, I felt like I was watching one of the old classic films that weren't concerned with a realistic plot line, rather concerned creating a wonderful story built around fantasy. It reminded me of films like Charlie and the Choclate Factory and the The Purple Rose of Cairo, where the story is set in our world, but is completely farce and unreal. Yet, the characters in the film accept what is happening like it's no big deal what so ever! We don't have films like this anymore.

What I appreciated about this film the most was how nostalgic it is. I think my wife put it best when she said "it's very much like Toy Story, it's very much about wanting to stay with what once was." Carl would continually talk to his wife, Ellie, who has passed away, as if she were actually there. He was also very concerned with any material possessions that reminded him of her.

This film was a reminder of the classic films that contained wonderful fantasy stories and unrealistic tales of excitement and adventure. I give this movie 5 stars and would recommend it anyone who misses the classic films of old, or who wants to see a style of film storytelling that hasn't been used in years. This was without a doubt one of the more pleasant movie going experiences I've had in a long time.

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