Wednesday, March 10, 2010

TOY NEWS: Don't invite him to cook dinner!

Bif Bang Pow has released information on their latest bobble head figure.

From Bif Bang Pow:

Pre-order our newest bobble head, Kanamit, based on The Twilight Zone's rather disturbing "To Serve Man" episode from 1962. Kanamit, a considerably covert character set on adding mankind to his menu of delectable dishes stands 7-inches tall with his "cook book" on a matching themed base. Buy him, admire him, but don't invite him to cook dinner!

About Bif Bang Pow

Jason Lenzi is a seasoned television producer and the ultimate fan of cultish pop culture. So when he created this company in 2005, he took the fan's perspective - to bring stuff to the marketplace that he himself would want to own. Cultivated from TV, movies, books, comics, music, and more, our mission is to provide high-quality action figures, toys and collectibles to the massive cult audience (and kids of all ages) that wishes these toys were already in their collection.

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