Monday, July 6, 2009

Comic Review: Green Lantern Corps # 38 (DC Comics) By Eddie R.


Green lantern Corps #38 to me is a fine example of how a comic book should end when a new story arc is just about to take over. While this issue leaves more us with more questions than it answers, the questions it does raise are quite valid, and set the tone for the upcoming Blackest Night event.

The biggest highlight of the issue has to be the showdown between Guy Gardener, Kyle Rayner and the Alpha Lanterns. A new order has been invoked by the returning Guardians, and the morality issues it raises not only will have fans wondering what has gone wrong, but it seems even the characters themselves. Kyle especially has a hard time trying to understand why this action is being taken. But I can see why the Guardians have asked the Alpha Lanterns to do such a task. Only a machine with no heart would be able to.

Intertwined between those major plot developments, we are given glimpses into the other story lines which have been part of this tale. On Korugar, we see the aftermath of Soranik’s encounter with her alleged father Sinestro, and how she is trying to come to grips with this revelation. We also witness the fallout from the transformation of the Daxamites due to being exposed to the rays of a yellow sun, as Arisia leads an all out assault on Mongul, causing him to change both his base and course of action.

But for me, the most telling scene of things to come happens when the battery shell surrounding Oa breaks apart at the beginning of this issue. This one act, exposing the planet to the rest of the universe, and the symbolism it implies as something seeming indestructible lies in ruin, is very much a perfect example of foreshadowing. It is here where Guy Gardener makes a very astute observation: “Anything that gets made can be unmade”. And I think that once sentence sums up this current issue of GLC and the conclusion to the Emerald Eclipse story arc.


Eddie R
Review Co-Editor

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