Monday, July 6, 2009

Comic Review: Star Trek: Crew #5 (IDW Publishing) By Eddie R

Well on her way to becoming Number One.

One of the things I used to like about the Star Trek: the Next Generation TV series was the briefing meetings the Senior Staff used to have. It was those meetings which gave the show a sense of reality in my opinion, and I am glad John Byrne has managed to bring that feeling to this book.

Star Trek: Crew #5 flash forwards three years from where the previous issue ended, where we find our female lieutenant is still serving aboard the U.S.S Enterprise alongside Captain Robert April, his wife Dr. Sarah April, and first officer Christopher Pike. Along with these old faces, we have a few new ones. I won’t say who they are, but it’s safe to bet the future bridge crew under Captain Pike will be taking shape very shortly.

The story itself is one which could be used for anyone one of the previous incarnations of the Star Trek TV franchise. But Mr. Byrne uses it very well here, and makes it his own. The plot revolves around the disappearance of entire solar systems and time travel, but it is the way Mr. Byrne draws the action sequences, and how the story is written, which makes you wish this comic book series would become an actual TV Show. But until that happens, this will have to satisfy any fan of the Original series. And trust me, it does.

All the little details are there; from the mention of Lithium Crystals to the term “Time warp factor”, which are both relevant to the time period, along with the little touches Mr. Byrne puts into the ships decor and crews uniforms. It is truly a feast for the eyes as much as it is for the mind. The colors and tones used are those which you would find in the original series, giving this book a very rich and nostalgic feeling.

Even though this book is set in the Pre- classical era of the original Star Trek universe, this series is bound to become a classic in its own right.


Goes On sale July 8th

Eddie R
Review Co- Editor.

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